Ancient Proclamation

Ancient Proclamation

Please be advised that the lore inscribed on this digital scroll (the "Repository") is shared solely for the edification of seekers of ancient wisdom. While every effort has been made to preserve the integrity of these sacred texts, Mystic Citadel offers no guarantees as to the absolute accuracy, completeness, or timeless validity of the information contained herein. Your journey through these chronicles is undertaken at your own peril.

External Archive Disclaimer

The Repository may guide you to external archives, relics, or portals maintained by other custodians of ancient lore. Such links have not been divined or verified by our scholars, and we do not vouch for the reliability or sanctity of their contents. Mystic Citadel disclaims any responsibility for your interactions with these external domains.

Scholarly Advisory Disclaimer

The insights and information presented on this site are not to be considered as formal counsel from learned authorities. They are offered for general enlightenment and should not replace the guidance of qualified experts. Before acting upon any ancient wisdom obtained here, we strongly advise you to seek proper scholarly or legal consultation.

Affiliate Disclosure

Within our Repository, you may encounter links to allied ancient archives or merchants. Should you choose to engage with these partners, please be aware that Mystic Citadel may receive a token commission as gratitude for facilitating the connection.

Testimonial Observations

Our Repository may also include personal accounts and testimonials from fellow seekers recounting their voyages and discoveries. These narratives reflect individual experiences and may not be universally applicable. Mystic Citadel does not claim that all journeys will mirror those described, and individual outcomes may vary.

All testimonials are reviewed and curated before inscription, and the opinions expressed belong solely to the individual authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of Mystic Citadel.